Would you like to close a few additional deals every year without any additional work?
How many leads do pay for that don’t close?
What if you could close a few more deals a year from dead leads?
Would that mean something to you business?
Instead of passing on a seller that wanted more than you could offer, what if you had another option that could help get the deal closed, solve your client’s problem, and put a little money in your bank account?
Wholesaler Buddy is that option.
We offer Wholesalers another avenue to close more win-win deals every year.
The seller gets the price they wanted, and you close a deal you would normally have to pass on.
Send us a deal through the form for a no-obligation quote and we’ll get in touch with potential options.
At the end of the day, you want to do right by your sellers. You make more money when you close more deals. The more problems you help solve for sellers, the more money you ultimately make.
We are honest, straight-forward, professional real estate investors that can remove your frustration of having to reject a seller because your offer didn’t work. By working with us, you put another tool in your toolkit to provide solutions for your sellers. The more you do that, the more successful you will be.
You risk nothing by understanding all of your options and you’re not obligated to anything by talking to us.
Feel free to call or text us anytime at 214-206-3512 or submit the short form on this page to get the process started!
No deals right now but this sounds interesting?
Enter your email below and that will add you to our database and lets us know you’re interested in us checking back.
Interested but don’t have a specific deal in mind?
Fill out the form below and we can reach out to discuss how we might be able to help.
Wholesaler Buddy spans three generations of real estate investors based in Dallas, Texas. Our small, dedicated team ensures that every transaction receives one-on-one support and never gets passed around or lost in the shuffle. We return all calls and emails personally within 24 hours and stand ready to help all of our note selling clients with honesty and integrity.